Application of Building Information Modeling Tool for evaluation of Energy Utilization in Kaduna state University Main campus building


  • Pindiga. I.Y Department of Electrical Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic P.M.B 2021 Kaduna
  • S. U., Muhammad Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic, P.M.B 2021 Kaduna
  • M.T Zarmai Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Abuja



In the context of environmental policy, many institutions in Nigeria launched a series of initiatives aimed at increasing the use of energy efficiency, as it has pledged to reduce energy consumption.  The energy upgrade of the building sector produces various benefits such as reduced energy consumption, which is consistent with the reduction of air pollution. Furthermore, there is a significant improvement at the interior comfort conditions of the building, which promotes efficiency and occupant health., Because of the large number of educational buildings in the institution, the energy consumption of building presents a significant amount of the total energy consumption and simultaneously has the effect of increasing the costs paid by the institution budget for the operation and maintenance of the buildings. The investigation of alternative methods to reduce energy consumption in educational buildings is an imperative approach for sustainability and economic development of the institution over time. The purpose of this paper is to study the extent of Energy use intensity and cost at faculty of science of University building in Kaduna state University main campus and optimized the building energy model under study. The results obtained shown that the EUI before optimization was 299kWh/m2/yr, while after the optimization was 153kWh/m2/yr. Hence 146kWh/M2/Yr was conserved for EUI and 9.7USD/M2/Yr saved for the cost of the Faculty of science building under study. It is therefore necessary to carry out energy analysis using BIM as retrofitting strategies after the building construction, in order to curtail energy consumption in pursuit of required interior thermal comfort conditions


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